Susquehanna River
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Site Plan Requirements

(ref: Chapter 27 Part 4 Section 422)

A site plan drawn to scale shall include the following information:

  • Location and dimensions to all property lines.

  • Location and listing of all required building setback lines.

  • Lot area in square feet or acres.

  • Location and area calculations in square feet of all existing impervious surfaces including but not limited to existing buildings and improvements such as residence, sheds, garages, driveways, walkways, pools, decks, patios, porches.

  • Location and area calculations in square feet of all proposed impervious surfaces including but not limited to proposed projects and improvements such as buildings, additions, sheds, garages, driveways, walkways, pools, decks, patios, porches.

  • Exact dimensions from all existing structures and proposed improvements to all property lines, including but not limited to buildings, additions, sheds, garages, driveways, walkways, pools, decks, patios, porches.

  • Existing and proposed off street parking areas, if applicable.

  • Location of all easements and / or rights-of-ways on the property, both public and private including the exact dimensions of the easements.

  • Location of the 100-year floodplain and the 100 year floodplain elevation, if applicable. The boundaries of the 100-year floodplain must be field staked prior to any on site construction, if applicable.

  • Location and dimension of any clear sight triangles on the property.

  • Location of all public streets, rights-of-way, curb and sidewalks.

  • Location of an on-lot sewage system, if applicable.

  • Location of all wells, if applicable.

  • Location of all wetland areas, if applicable

Created 03-28-20

Revised 05-16-20